O desdobramento da função qualidade para o gerenciamento do atendimento fisioterápico em um hospital de guarnição, estudo de caso

Cortez Neto, Angelo; Nicoloso, Alessandra Rigo; Bosa, Andrea; Signori, Luis Ulisses


This research objectified to characterize, to mensure and to develop the quality of the service national health clinic of Physiotherapy in one Garrison Hospital. To reach the objectives the well-known quality tools they were used as Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Indicators of Acting (IDs). The obtained results demonstrate that the physiotherapist's relationship with the patient, the solve of the treatment and the relationship with the general team they were the quality approaches more mentioned by the external customers, and the general average of the quality of the service evaluated by the indicators was of (9,56 ±0,35), it is Ended that the relationship of the results of the tools facilitates the scientific administration of a physiotherapy service, and "QFD" makes possible the characterization of the quality and through that it selects the technical or administrative actions based on the customer's opinion for the improvement of the service; "IDs" already evaluates the characteristics of the quality of the service rendered its customers, owing those tools be periodically applied for the continuous development of the quality of the service.

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