Utilisation Of Spirulinasp. And Chlorellapyrenoidosa Biomass For The Productionof Enzymatic Protein Hydrolysates

Lisboa, Cristiane Reinaldo; Pereira, Aline; Ferreira, Shana Pires; Costa, Jorge Alberto Vieira


This aim of this study was to assess the hydrolysis reaction of the biomass of Chlorella pyrenoidosaandSpirulinasp. LEB 18,using commercial proteases that act in different pH ranges, to obtain protein hydrolysates with promising application in food or food supplement, improving functional and nutritional food properties. Threecentral composite study designs were carried out for each microalga (Chlorella and Spirulina). The 23 type central composite design was utilized with three replications at the central point, varying the enzyme concentration (5 to 10 U.mL-1), the concentrationof substrate (5 to 10 %) and reaction time (60 to 240 min), for a total of 11 experiments per planning. The highestdegrees of hydrolysis (52.9% and 55.31%) forSpirulinaand Chlorella,respectively, were obtained with 4 h of reaction. The results show that it is possible to obtain enzymatic protein hydrolysates with different DH from microalgae biomass.

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