Rodrigues, Victor Hugo Guimarães; Oliveira, Caroline Terra de
O interesse deste artigo é problematizar o diálogo entre dois epistemólogos, Gaston Bachelard e Edgar Morin, enfatizando a crítica construída em relação ao pensamento científico clássico, principalmente, sobre a concepção ...
Rodrigues, Victor Hugo Guimarães
O autor busca caracterizar a trajetória de Gaston Bachelard no universo científico de seu tempo e as suas indagações filosóficas sobre as perspectivas pedagógicas dela decorrentes.
Lazo, Matheus Jatkoske
Fractional derivatives and integrations of non-integers orders was introduced more than three centuries ago but only recently gained more attention due to its application on nonlocal phenomenas. In this context, several ...
Marson, Juliana Marini; Mata, Mauricio Magalhães; Garcia, Carlos Alberto Eiras
Sea ice plays an important role on Earth’s climate. Besides its high albedo, sea ice isolates ocean from atmosphere reducing the heat flux between them and is in part responsible for deep water formation through brine ...
Maia, Maria de Fátima Santos; Rodrigues, Maria Aparecida Pinheiro; Facchini, Luiz Augusto; Thumé, Elaine
This systematic review aimed to assess the effect of gender on the incidence of functional disability in the elderly. The search for publications in the MEDLINE, EMBASE, and ProQuest electronic databases from January 1990 ...
Sassi, Raul Andrés Mendonza; Béria, Jorge Umberto
This paper aims to assess variations in self-reported morbidity between men and women using six different measures of reported illness. The cross-sectional study was conducted in the municipality of Rio Grande, southern ...
Werhli, Adriano Velasque; Husmeier, Dirk
There have been various attempts to improve the reconstruction of gene regulatory networks from microarray data by the systematic integration of biological prior knowledge. Our approach is based on pioneering work by Imoto ...
Sabaj, José Alberto Levy; Marins, Luis Fernando Fernandes; Sanchez, Armand
The gene transfer technique, transgenesis, has permitted the transfer of genes from one organism to another to create new lineages of organisms with improvement in traits important to aquaculture. Genetically modified ...
Mikos, Camila Macedo Ferreira; Sierra, Jamil Cabral
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG, 2021-07-30)
Com aporte teórico-metodológico nos estudos foucaultianos, neste artigo, analisamos os
enquadramentos que ora possibilitaram que a educação sexual aparecesse e/ou
desaparecesse do currículo escolar brasileiro, ora ...
Duarte Filho, Nelson Lopes; Botelho, Silvia Silva da Costa; Carvalho, Jônata Tyska; Marcos, Pedro de Botelho; Maffei, Renan de Queiroz; Oliveira, Rodrigo Ruas; Hax, Vinícius Alves
In the last decade, virtual reality (VR) systems have been used to enhance the visualization of CAD projects. The immersive VR techniques allow to the designer interacting and modeling in a more intuitive and efficient ...
Alcaraz, Francisco Castilho; Lazo, Matheus Jatkoske
We present a general formulation of the matrix product ansatz for exactly integrable chains on periodic lattices. This new formulation extends the matrix product ansatz present on our previous articles (F. C. Alcaraz and ...
Kinas, Paul Gerhard; Silva, Kleber Grübel da; Estima, Sérgio; Monteiro, Danielle da Silveira
Monthly strandings of South American sea lions, Otaria flavescens, and South American fur seals, Arctocephalus australis collected between 1993 and 2002 along the coastline of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are analysed with ...
Santos, Onofre Rojas; Salvador, Juan Segundo Valverde; Souza, Sergio Martins de
The paper discusses the transformation of decorated Ising models into an effective undecorated spin model, using the most general Hamiltonian for interacting Ising models including a long range and high order interactions. ...
Lazzaretti, Rosmeri Kuhmmer; Gasparotto, Aline Simas; Sassi, Marina Gomes de Moraes; Polanczyk, Carísi Anne; Kuhmmer, Regina; Silveira, Jussara Maria; Basso, Rossana Patricia; Pinheiro, Cezar Arthur Tavares; Silveira, Mariângela Freitas da; Sprinz, Eduardo; Mattevi, Vanessa Suñé
This study evaluated the impact of 9 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 6 candidate genes (APOB, APOA5, APOE, APOC3,
SCAP, and LDLR) over dyslipidemia in HIV-infected patients on stable antiretroviral therapy (ART) ...
Gasparotto, Aline Simas; Sprinz, Eduardo; Lazzaretti, Rosmeri Kuhmmer; Kuhmmer, Regina; Silveira, Jussara Maria; Basso, Rossana Patricia; Pinheiro, Cezar Arthur Tavares; Silveira, Mariângela Freitas da; Ribeiro, Jorge Pinto; Mattevi, Vanessa Suñé
Objective: To investigate genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in estrogen
receptor-a (ERa) (ESR1, rs2234693, rs1801132, rs7757956 and rs2813544) and ERb
(ESR2, rs3020450, rs7154455 and rs4986938) genes and ...
Proietti, Maíra Carneiro; Reisser, , Julia Wiener; Marins, Luis Fernando Fernandes; Rodriguez-Zarate, Clara; Marcovaldi, Maria Angela Azevedo Guagni Dei; Monteiro, Danielle da Silveira; Pattiaratchi, Charitha; Secchi, Eduardo Resende
Understanding the connections between sea turtle populations is fundamental for their effective conservation. Brazil hosts
important hawksbill feeding areas, but few studies have focused on how they connect with nesting ...
John, Júlia Castro; Brandão, Clara Luísa Martins; Cury, Hector Soares
(IEPREV, 2020)
Moreira, Cauê Bonucci; Rodrigues, Ricardo Vieira; Romano, Luis Alberto; Gusmão, Emeline Pereira; Seyffert, Bianca Hartwig; Sampaio, Luís André Nassr de; Miranda Filho, Kleber Campos
Petroleum hydrocarbons are considered one of the
main organic chemicals found in water bodies. In the present
study, the median lethal concentration (LC50) was estimated
for mullet Mugil liza after acute exposure to ...
Rosa, Carlos Eduardo da; Figueiredo, Marcio de Azevedo; Lanes, Carlos Frederico Ceccon; Almeida, Daniela Volcan; Marins, Luis Fernando Fernandes
The aim of this study was to evaluate the
effects of growth hormone (GH)overexpression on the gene expression profile of multiple components of the antioxidant defense system(ADS)of different genotypes of a GH transgenic ...
Halicki, Priscila Cristina Bartolomeu; Ramis, Ivy Bastos; Vianna, Júlia Silveira; Gautério, Thaísa Bozzetti; Groll, Andrea Von; Silva, Pedro Eduardo Almeida da
Justificativa e Objetivos: Apesar de ser utilizado como um método de genotipagem para diferentes microrganismos,
poucos estudos relatam a utilização de Multiple-Locus Variable Number of Tandem Repeats Analysis
(MLVA) ...