Cezaro, Adriano de; Leitão, Antônio; Tai, Xue-Cheng
We propose a regularization method for solving ill-posed problems, under the assumption that the solutions are piecewise constant functions with unknown level sets and unknown level values. A level set framework is established ...
Cezaro, Adriano de; Leitão, Antônio; Tai, Xue-Cheng
We analyze a multiple level-set method for solving inverse problems with piecewise constant solutions. This method corresponds to an iterated Tikhonov method for a particular Tikhonov functional Gα based on TV–H1 penalization. ...
Cezaro, Adriano de; Leitão, Antônio; Tai, Xue-Cheng
We investigate level-set-type methods for solving ill-posed problems with discontinuous (piecewise constant) coefficients. The goal is to identify the level sets as well as the level values of an unknown parameter function ...