Modelagem ambiental e dinâmica de uso e cobertura da terra na Bacia do Arroio Grande

Ruhoff, Anderson Luis; Souza, Bernardo Sayão Penna e; Giotto, Enio; Pereira, Rudiney Soares


This paper had the objective to transform a GIS into a realistic system of the time-space processes to analyze the risks of environmental hazards of the Arroio Grande watershed. This study fits in the activities predicted by the Fundo Setorial de Recursos Hídricos (CT Hidro), through the managing of the hydric resources in South Brazil. One area establish by CT Hidro is the land use and cover changing and soil conservation at water systems where the main problems are the soil erosion and soil compaction, loses of the natural cover and improper reforestation. With that, the program tries to provide the development of conservationist practices and the prevention of the water sources at watersheds.

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