Showing 5 out of a total of 5 results for community: EQA - Escola de Química e Alimentos. (0.01 seconds)
Antioxidant activity of protein hydrolysates of fish and chicken bones
(2011) -
Evaluation of functional properties in protein hydrolysates from bluewing searobin (prionotus punctatus) obtained with different microbial enzymes
(2011) -
Chemical modification and structural analysis of protein isolates to produce hydrogel using whitemouth croaker (micropogonias furnieri) wastes
(2011) -
Protein and amino acid solubilization using bacillus cereus, bacillus velesensis, and chryseobacterium sp. from chemical extraction protein residue
(2011) -
Influence of chicken protein isolate and heating temperature on textural properties of low-fat frankfurters