Show simple item record Mendoza-Carranza, Manuel Vieira Sobrinho, João Paes 2012-03-20T19:52:30Z 2012-03-20T19:52:30Z 2009
dc.identifier.citation MENDOZA-CARRANZA, Manuel; VIEIRA, João Paes. Ontogenetic niche feeding partitioning in juvenile of white sea catfish Genidens barbus in estuarine environments, southern Brazil. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 89, n. 4, p. 839–848, 2009. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 09 mar. 2012. pt_BR
dc.identifier.issn 0025-3154
dc.description.abstract Ontogenetic diet changes (prey species richness and size) in juveniles of white sea catfish (Genidens barbus) were tested in three southern Brazilian estuaries: Mampituba (298120S), Tramandaı´ (308020S), Chuı´ (338440S). Cluster analysis revealed that white sea catfish juvenile populations in the three estuaries are composed of two feeding groups. These two feeding groups are coincident with a bimodal size–age distribution of the juveniles of white sea catfish. In small catfish (5 to 10 cm TL) copepods were the most numerous prey (Chuı´¼ 86.66%N, Tramandaı´¼ 85.52%N and Mampituba ¼ 52.34%N). In large catfish (10 to 20 cm TL) the most abundant and frequent prey was fish (Chuı´: 73.19%N and 74.56%FO; Tramandaı´: 85.92%N and 73.33%FO; Mampituba: 52.34%N and 61.54%FO). The Morisita overlap index among small and large fish was low in all estuaries; high values of Morisita’s similarity index were observed among same size catfish groups. In all cases, no differences were observed among prey bio-volume curves of same size predator groups(small, F ¼ 0.41, P ¼ 0.65; large, F ¼ 2.19, P ¼ 0.11). In all estuaries, prey size increased significantly with increasing predator size. The 90th regression quantile estimated with most precision the predator–prey size relationship. pt_BR
dc.language.iso eng pt_BR
dc.rights restrict access pt_BR
dc.subject Trophic ecology pt_BR
dc.subject Diet overlap pt_BR
dc.subject Prey size pt_BR
dc.subject Predator–prey relationship pt_BR
dc.title Ontogenetic niche feeding partitioning in juvenile of white sea catfish Genidens barbus in estuarine environments, southern Brazil pt_BR
dc.type article pt_BR

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