Vulnerability of the Brazilian coastal zone in its environmental, social: and technological aspects

Nicolodi, João Luís; Petermann, Rafael Mueller


This paper defines the vulnerability level of the Brazilian coastal zone based on a combination of environmental,social, and technological standards set forth in Macrodiagnóstico da Zona Costeira e Marinha (Macrodiagnosis of the Coastal and Marine Zone) by the Ministry of the Environment in 2008. Low-lying, densely populated, socially underprivileged regions with intricate technological networks are the most vulnerable and require a prioritized integrated action from policymakers. Throughout the entire country, several areas were rated as vulnerable or highly vulnerable, particularly the metropolitan regions of Belém, capitals of the Northeast, Rio de Janeiro, and Santos. Its potential to cause economic and social impacts is considerable, as it directly affects standards of living of coastal populations. This challenge can only be overcome through integrated actions taken by various sectors of society and supported by a deep knowledge of current and expected scenarios.

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