Silva, Naylê Maria Oliveira da; Germano, Fabiana Nunes; Sassi, Raúl Andrés Mendoza; Abreu, Hector Nicolas Seuánez; Soares, Marcelo Alves; Martinez, Ana Maria Barral de
Background: Hepatitis C virus infection is a serious public health problem. Hemodialysis is considered one of the main risk factors of HCV infection, due to several invasive medical procedures and potential nosocomial ...
Teixeira, Lisiane Ortiz; Amaral, Suélen Cavalheiro; Jardim, Fabiana Finger; Hora, Vanusa Pousada da; Gonçalves, Carla Vitola; Martinez, Ana Maria Barral de
OBJETIVO: Determinar a frequência do Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) na placenta, no colostro e no sangue do cordão
umbilical de parturientes e seus neonatos atendidos no Ambulatório de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Hospital ...
Germano, Fabiana Nunes; Santos, Cristina Araújo dos; Honscha, Gunther; Strasburg, Aline da Cruz; Gabbi, Bruno Smidt; Sassi, Raul Andrés Mendonza
Summary: We estimated the prevalence of hepatitis C (HCV) infection and associated risk factors in 750 individuals attendING at
the voluntary counseling and Testing Center of Rio Grande (VCT/RG), in Southern Brazil, and ...