Agenesia pulmonar
Castro Junior, Miguel Angelo Martins de; Castro, Angela Pötter de; Rosenberg, Nelson Perelman; Zimmermann, Bruno Sudbrack; Müller, Fernanda Melo
Um paciente de 22 anos foi admitido no hospital com dor no peito. A hipótese diagnóstica pelo raio-x de tórax foi atelectasia pulmonar à esquerda. A broncoscopia revelou uma estenose no broncofonte esquerdo a aproximadamente 3cm da carina, sugerindo agenesia pulmonar,
confirmada por tomografia computadorizada de tórax e angiografia pulmonar.
A 22-year-old patient was admitted at the hospital with chest pain. The diagnostic hypothesis by X-ray was left pulmonary atelectasis. The bronchoscopy revealed bronchostenosis of the the main bronchus about 3 cm from the carina, suggesting lung agenesis which was confirmed by computed tomography of thorax and lung angiography.
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