Garcia, Alexandre Miranda; Vieira Sobrinho, João Paes; Bemvenuti, Carlos Emílio; Geraldi, Ricardo Marcelo
Fortnightly beam trawl samples, collected daily and nightly, were used to ... and diversity of decapod crustaceans inhabiting widgeon grass (Ruppia marítima. Linnaeus, 1753) and nearby unvegetated habitats in the shallow ...
Haimovici, Manuel; Mendonça, Jocemar Tomasino
A pesca de arrasto de tangones na plataforma continental do Rio Grande do Sul (29°S-34°40’S) é desenvolvida desde 1985 dirigida a camarões barba ruça (Artemesia longinaris) e santana (Pleoticus muelleri), linguados ...
Haimovici, Manuel; Mendonça, Jocemar Tomasino
Entre maio de 1992 e outubro de 1993 foram realizados cinco embarques nos quais foram amostrados 73 lances de pesca dirigida aos camarões Pleoticus muelleri e Artemesia longinaris e 144 lances a pesca de peixes, principalmente ...
Möller Junior, Osmar Olinto; Lorenzzentti, João Antonio; Stech, José; Mata, Mauricio Magalhães
The main aspects of the summertime circulation and dynamics of the Patos Lagoon, a system located in southern Brazil and considered as one of the world's largest choked coastal lagoons, are studied through the analysis of ...
Hartmann, Carlos; Calliari, Lauro Júlio
Amostras de material em suspensão coletadas da superfície da água no canal de navegação da extremidade sul da Laguna dos Patos, RS, foram examinadas ulilizando Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Espetrometria de ...
Lima, Ivan D.; Garcia, Carlos Alberto Eiras; Möller Junior, Osmar Olinto
The oceanographic environment in the southern Brazilian shelf was investigated using maritime weather reports from the U.S. National Climatic Center and data from three hydrographic cruises. The ...
Vasconcellos, Marcelo Cunha; Mackinson, Steven; Sloman, Katherine; Pauly, Daniel
Dynamic simulations of 18 ECOPATH mass-balance marine trophic models are used to explore the stability of systems when briefly impacted by a fishery on the key ‘wasp–waist’ populations occurring at intermediate trophic ...
Santos, Roberta Aguiar dos; Haimovici, Manuel
Diet and feeding habits of the short-finned squid Illex argentinus were studied from the analysis of 729 stomachs of juveniles, subadults and adults caught with trawls on the continental shelf and slope off southern Brazil ...
Souza, José Afonso Feijó de
Brachyura from 298 stations (Project decapod crustacens from the Rio Grande Coast – Rv “Atlântico Sul” – 1982-84) on the southern Brazilian shelf (31° 30 S – and 49°50 w – 52°30 w), between 8 and 200 m, were analyzed. Otter ...
Martins, Agnaldo Silva; Haimovici, Manuel
The distribution, abundance and biological interactions of the cutlassfish Tn’chiurus lepturus in the southern Brazil subtropical convergence ecosystem were studied from demersal trawl surveys conducted along the continental ...
Garcia, Alexandre Miranda; Vieira Sobrinho, João Paes
Anésio, Alexandre Magno Barbosa; Abreu, Paulo Cesar Oliveira Vergne de; Esteves, Francisco de Assis
Free-living and attached bacterial population sizes were determined fortnightly from December 1991 to December 1992 in natural and disturbed areas of an Amazonian clear water lake (Batata Lake, Para´, Brazil) impacted by ...
Santos, Roberta Aguiar dos; Haimovici, Manuel
The reproduction and fecundity of winter-spring spawners of the shortfin squid Illex argentinus off southern Brazil (27°S-34°S) were studied in samples from bottom trawl surveys on the outer shelf and upper slope from 1986 ...
Anésio, Alexandre Magno Barbosa; Abreu, Paulo Cesar Oliveira Vergne de; Esteves, Francisco de Assis
Free-living and attached bacterial population sizes were determined fortnightly from December 1991 to December 1992 in natural and disturbed areas of an Amazonian clear water lake (Batata Lake, Pará, Brazil) impacted by ...
Perez, Jose Angel Alvarez; Haimovici, Manuel; Santos, Roberta Aguiar dos
Maturation, fecundity and reproductive cycle of the octopod Eledone gaucha Haimovici, 1988, were studied based on preserved samples collected during groundfish surveys conducted off southern Brazil, The patterns of sexual ...
Madureira, Marta Saint Pastous; Tagliani, Paulo Roberto Armanini
Este estudo tem como objetivo a análise da educação ambiental não-formal conduzida em unidades de conservação federais localizadas na zona costeira brasileira, com base no Tratado de Educação Ambiental para Sociedades ...
Vieira, Pedro José Castelli; Haimovici, Manuel
A reprodução da pescada olhuda Cynoscion guatucupa (Sin. C.striatus) foi estudada a partir de amostras obtidas nos desembarques da pesca comercial e em cruzeiros de prospecção pesqueira com redes de arrasto de fundo no ...
D'Incao, Fernando
The species of the family Luciferidae in Brazil sere revised. They are represented by Lucifer faxoni that occurs in coastal waters including estuaries, and Lucifer typus an ofsshore specie.
Santos, Roberta Aguiar dos; Haimovici, Manuel
The diet and predators of Loligo sanpaulensis (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) on the southern Brazilian shelf were studied by examining the stomach contents of 668 long-finned squid (12–184 mm mantle length) caught by bottom ...
Peres, Mônica Brick; Haimovici, Manuel
A pesca de cherne-poveiro com linha de mão desde pequenos botes sobre fundos irregulares da plataforma externa e talude superior no sul do Brasil começou em 1973. Barcos linheiros da região sudeste costumavam explorar a ...