Surgical adhesives and tubal sterilization: an experimental study

Rivoire, Henri Chaplin; Fagundes, Djalma José


Aim: Our aim was to assess the application of three currently used surgical adhesives in the tubal lumen of rabbits, to promote sterilization, using a transvaginal approach. Methods: Fifty-seven female albino New Zealand rabbits (114 uterine tubes), which became pregnant and delivered before the experiment, were divided into four groups: GS (sham-24 tubes), GEFIBRI (0.25 mL of fibrin adhesive in 30 tubes), GE-GRF (0.25 mL of resorcin adhesive in 30 tubes) and GEBUTYL (0.25 mL of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive in 30 tubes). The animals were mated with proven fertile males after the experiment and observed over 30, 90 and 180 days. Pregnancy and patency were macroscopically evaluated. The tubal diameter, tubal mucosa, myosalpinx, total optical density and inflammatory process were microscopically evaluated. The statistical analysis was performed by McNemar andWilcoxon tests for the subgroups, and Fisher’s exact test and Kruskal–Wallis test for the groups, the differences identified by Dunn’s multiple comparisons test (P = 5%). Results: GS showed patency and pregnancies in all subgroups. GEFIBRI showed patency and pregnancies in all subgroups. GE-GRF did not show patency or pregnancies, but was associated with severe inflammatory process and tubal morphology alterations. GEBUTYL did not show patency, pregnancies or morphological tubal mucosa alterations. Conclusions: The n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive effectively promoted tubal obstruction, did not cause tubal morphological alterations, nor did it impair the rabbit pregnancy. The fibrin adhesive failed to cause the occlusion. The GRF adhesive, in spite of producing tubal occlusion, caused severe uterine tubes damage.

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