Ion levels in the gastrointestinal tract content of freshwater and marine-estuarine teleosts

Becker, Alexssandro Geferson; Gonçalves, Jamile Fabbrin; Burns, Marcelo Dias de Mattos; Vieira Sobrinho, João Paes; Radünz Neto, Joao; Baldisserotto, Bernardo


This study investigated the relationship between ion levels (Na+, Cl−, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) in the fluid phase and total chyme of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract segments of freshwater and marine–estuarine teleosts collected in different salinities (0–34 ppt) in estuarine and freshwater portions of the São Gonçalo channel, southern Brazil. In addition, the relative contribution of feeding and osmoregulation to the ionic content of each portion of the gastrointestinal tract of fishes collected in different ambient salinities was analyzed. There was no relationship between salinity and ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme of the segments of the gastrointestinal tract when considering all species together. However, there was a significant positive relationship between salinity and ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme of two fish species (Micropogonias furnieri and Genidens barbus) collected in three or more different salinities. In most species, ion levels in the fluid phase and total chyme changed throughout the gastrointestinal tract, suggesting absorption, but the ionoregulatory mechanisms of the gastrointestinal tract seem to vary according to species.

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