Neoplasia of the sertoli cells in wild carp,cyprinus carpio: optical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study

Romano, Luis Alberto; Klosterhoff, Marta da Costa; Führ, Fabiane; Rodrigues, Ricardo Vieira; Gusmão, Emeline Pereira; Pereira, Maria Angélica dos Reis Garrido; Sampaio, Luís André Nassr de; Tesser, Marcelo Borges


Sertoli cell tumours are primary neoplasms of the testis which arise from the supporting cells within the seminiferous tubules. This report describes a case of tumour of the Sertoli cells in carp. The diagnosis of Sertoli cell tumour is supported by the histopathological features, the characteristic presence of Charcot-Böttcher crystals visualised in immature Sertoli cellsby electron microscopy and the immunohistochemical positive reaction for neurospecific enolase (NSE) and inhibin a

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