Desenvolvimento larval de Chasmagnathus granulata Dana (Crustacea, Decapoda, Grapsidae), em laboratório. I. Estudo da morfologia de cerdas nas fases de zoea e megalopa e das variações dos padrões corporais da fase megalopa
Rieger, Paulo Juarez; Santos, Ana Lucia Freitas dos
The study of Chasmagllalhus granulara Dana 1851 was done with the setae morphology point ofview. The main objective ofthis description was to find differents kinds af morphologicals types of setae. During this work anomalous structures were found in megalopal phase, such as : many kinds af rostral and lateral spines, as well as many kinds of spines on the telson and ane kind of dorsal spi ne which never was cited before in the literature concerning to this specie.