Blood donation prevalence and associated factors in Pelotas, Southern Brazil

Zago, Alethea; Silveira, Mariângela Freitas da; Dumith, Samuel de Carvalho


OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of blood donation and factors associated. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with a representative sample of 2,986 individuals, aged 20 or more, in the municipaly of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, in 2007. Three outcomes were considered: ever donating blood, donation during in the previous year and frequent donation pattern (at least two donations in the previous year). Each outcome was analyzed according to demographic, socioeconomic and health factors, exposure to blood donation publicity campaigns and whether the donor had a relative or friend who donated blood. The crude and multivariable analyses were performed using Poisson’s regression, adjusted for sample design effect. RESULTS: Blood donation prevalence – ever, in the previous year and a frequent donation pattern – were 32%, 7.7% and 3.6%, respectively. Blood donation was more prevalent among males and increased in accordance with the economic level and health self-perception. The prevalence of ever donating blood was higher in the 50 to 65 years age group; in the previous year, it was higher among younger people (20 to 29 years); frequent donation was more prevalent in the 30 to 49 group. There was no association of the outcomes with skin color, marital status, religion, having a relative or friend who donates or knowing about publicity campaigns. CONCLUSIONS: Blood donation was more prevalent in men and in those who have better self-perception of health and a higher economic level. Campaigns encouraging blood donation should diversify the donor profile for reaching those groups of people who are less inclined to donate blood.

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