Chadha, Neil Khilnani; Zhang, Linjie; Sassi, Raúl Andrés Mendoza; Cesar, Juraci Almeida
OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the evidence for the
usage of nasal steroids to improve symptoms of nasal airway
obstruction in children with adenoidal hypertrophy.
DATA SOURCES: Published studies indexed in the ...
Parro Junior, Adelino; Paulitsch, Felipe da Silva; Cherubini, Marta Lancia Carramona; Miola, Luciano; Armstrong, Sady Fonseca; Sierra, Marco Antônio Cressoni; Simão, Patricia Pellicka; Greco, Oswaldo Tadeu
O advento da ressincronização cardíaca (RC) representou um enorme avanço no
campo da terapêutica da insuficiência cardíaca. No entanto, aproximadamente 30% dos pacientes não
respondem à RC, o que pode estar relacionado ...
Girardi, Priscyla Borges Miyamoto de Araujo; Hueb, Whady Armindo; Nogueira, Celia Regina Simões da Rocha; Takiuti, Myrthes Emy; Nakano, Teryo; Garzillo, Cibele Larrosa; Paulitsch, Felipe da Silva; Góis, Aécio Flávio Teixeira de; Lopes, Neusa Helena; Stolf, Noedir Antônio Groppo
Background: Surgical techniques of myocardial revascularization without the use of extracorporeal circulation (ECC)
have raised hopes of attaining operative results with less systemic damage, lower occurrence of clinical ...
Nunes, Ana Paula; Oliveira, Isabel Oliveira de; Millech, Cristine; Santos, Betânia Rodrigues dos; Silva, Liziane Pereira; Araújo, Cora Luiza Pavin; Chica, David Alejandro González; Madruga, Samanta Winck; Noal, Ricardo Bica; Dumith, Samuel de Carvalho; Mendonça, Fernanda dos Santos; Menezes, Ana Maria Baptista
Estudos do ciclo vital permitem avaliar efeitos a longo prazo de diferentes
exposições sobre a saúde ou sobre o risco de doenças durante as várias fases da vida dos indivíduos, como na gestação, infância, adolescência, ...
Gigante, Denise Petrucci; Menezes, Ana Maria Baptista; Dumith, Samuel de Carvalho; Hallal, Pedro Rodrigues Curi; Menezes, Adriana Baptista
Madruga, Samanta Winck; Azevedo, Mario Renato; Araújo, Cora Luiza Pavin; Menezes, Ana Maria Baptista; Hallal, Pedro Rodrigues Curi
Evidence has shown the negative effects of unsupervised diets and those with excessive calorie restriction. The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of adolescents engaging in weight loss dieting and associated ...
Groll, Andrea Von; Martin, Anandi; Felix, Carolina Rodrigues; Prata, Pedro Fernandes Sanmartin; Honscha, Gunther; Portaels, Françoise; Vandamme, Peter; Silva, Pedro Eduardo Almeida da; Palomino, Juan Carlos
RDRio is a novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineage of the Latin American–
Mediterranean (LAM) family. LAM has been found worldwide but is more predominant in South America. The aim of this study was to assess the presence ...
Mazorco, Ana Luísa; Silva, Rodrigo Rodrigues; Espindola, Wendel Aculha; Baisch, Ana Luiza Muccillo; Medeiros, Susi Heliene Lauz
A isquemia hepática, devido à interrupção do fluxo sanguíneo, é utilizada na ressecção hepática, transplante e em sangramentos decorrentes de traumas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a proteção do parênquima hepático ...
Lopes, Neusa Helena; Paulitsch, Felipe da Silva; Pereira, Alexandre da Costa; Góis, Aécio Flávio Teixeira de; Gagliardi, Antonio Ricardo de Toledo; Garzillo, Cibele Larrosa; Ferreira, João Francisco; Stolf, Noedir Antônio Groppo; Hueb, Whady Armindo
Objective We characterized the impact of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components on cardiovascular adverse events in patients with symptomatic chronic multivessel coronary artery disease, which have been
followed ...
Hueb, Whady Armindo; Lopes, Neusa Helena; Pereira, Alexandre da Costa; Hueb, Alexandre Ciappina; Soares, Paulo Rogério; Favarato, Desidério; Vieira, Ricardo D'Oliveira; Lima, Eduardo Gomes; Garzillo, Cibele Larrosa; Paulitsch, Felipe da Silva; Cesar, Luiz Antonio Machado; Gersh, Bernard John; Ramires, Jose Antonio Franchini
Background—Coronary artery bypass graft surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass is a safe, routine procedure. Neverthe-
less, significant morbidity remains, mostly because of the body’s response to the nonphysiological nature ...
Gióia, Carolina Alicia Coch; Souza, Adriana Barroso de; Cruz, Simone da Costa; Silva Junior, Feliciano Correa; Andrade, Arnaldo Feitosa Braga de; Sassi, Raúl Andrés Mendoza; Frasch, Carl Eduard; Milagres, Lucimar Gonçalves
The generation and maintenance of memory antibody response by different primary immunization schedules with the Cubanproduced
outer membrane protein based vaccine was investigated in a murine model. We analyzed the duration ...
Silva Junior, Feliciano Correa; Gióia, Carolina Alicia Coch; Oliveira, Juliana Martins; Cruz, Simone da Costa; Frasch, Carl Eduard; Milagres, Lucimar Gonçalves
Understanding the specificity of antibody response to Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B (Men B) is a key requirement for the development of an effective vaccine. This study was designed to investigate the antigen specificity ...
Romani, Fabiana; Karam, Simone de Menezes
Progressive ossifying fibrodysplasia is a rare genetic disease
that affects one individual in every two million births. Its main
consequence is heterotopic ossification, i.e. formation of additional
bone in abnormal ...
Silva, Ivelissa da; Quevedo, Luciana de Avila; Silva, Ricardo Azevedo da; Oliveira, Sandro Schreiber de; Pinheiro, Ricardo Tavares
OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between alcohol abuse during gestation
and low birth weight. METHODS: Cross-sectional, population-based nested study from a cohort of 957 pregnant women who received prenatal assistance ...
Schein, Luiz Eduardo Corrêa; Cesar, Juraci Almeida
Este estudo teve por objetivo conhecer o perfil do paciente com 60 anos ou mais de idade internado nas duas unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) do município de Rio Grande, RS. Utilizando-se de delineamento transversal, ...
Martinez, Ana Maria Barral de; Gomes, Maria Aparecida; Viana, João da Costa; Romanha, Alvaro José; Silva, Edward Felix
The isoenzyme profiles (IP) of 33 strains of Entamoeba histolytica isolated from patients and carriers of two regions in Brazil (Amazonia and Southeast) were determined. The enzymes phosphoglucomutase, glucose-phosphate ...
Lima, Ari Gonçalves; Taha, Murched Omar; Rivoire, Henri Chaplin; Fagundes, Anna Tereza Negrini; Fagundes, Djalma José
To investigate the effectiveness of fibrin glue in comparison with polyglycolic acid suture to promote the closure of rabbit’s
vaginal vault, after abdominal hysterectomy. Methods: Twenty female, adults, New Zealand ...
Xavier, Melissa Orzechowski; Oliveira, Flávio de Mattos; Severo, Luiz Carlos
In this era of immunosuppression and transplantation, it is imperative that laboratory scientists remain in close communication with physicians. In patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy, the diagnosis of mycoses ...
Hallal, Pedro Rodrigues Curi; Dumith, Samuel de Carvalho; Ekelund, Ulf; Reichert, Felipe Fossati; Menezes, Ana Maria Baptista; Victora, Cesar Gomes; Wells, Jonathan
Background: The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease hypothesis suggests that intrauterine, infancy and early childhood variables play a key role at programming later health. However, little is known on the programming ...
Rivoire, Henri Chaplin; Fagundes, Djalma José
Aim: Our aim was to assess the application of three currently used surgical adhesives in the tubal lumen of rabbits, to promote sterilization, using a transvaginal approach.
Methods: Fifty-seven female albino New Zealand ...