Lopes, Giseli Rabello; Almeida, Ígor Lorenzato de; Machado, Karina dos Santos; Mata, Mauricio Magalhães
Este artigo apresenta o Sistema Autônomo de Avaliação (SAAv)que foi projetado objetivando o desenvolvimento de uma inovadora forma de avaliar o desempenho de alunos em uma determinada disciplina. Para provar que essa nova ...
Baumgarten, Maria da Graça Zepka; Niencheski, Luis Felipe Hax; Martins, Bianca Alves Dias
O Saco do Justino é uma enseada rasa do estuário da Lagoa dos Patos. É viveiro de espécies de peixes e crustáceos comercializáveis e apresenta proliferação de vegetais submersos, indicando alta produtividade. Como nessa ...
Davy, Anthony John; Bishop, Gillian Frances; Costa, César Serra Bonifácio
Cunha, Simone Rabelo da; Tognella-De-Rosa, Mônica Maria Pereira; Costa, César Serra Bonifácio
This work aimed to evaluate the effects of salinity and flooding frequency on structure of mangrove forests in Babitonga Bay, State of Santa Catarina (southern Brazil). Eight sites were selected along a salinity gradient. ...
Sampaio, Luís André Nassr de; Bianchini, Adalto
The flounder, Paralichthys orbignyanus, is found in coastal and estuarine waters of the Western
South Atlantic Ocean. It is being considered for aquaculture due to its high market price and wide
tolerance to environmental ...
Garcia, Luciano de Oliveira; Becker, Alexssandro Geferson; Copatti, Carlos Eduardo; Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Radünz Neto, João
This study verified the efficacy of common salt (NaCl) in the food and water as a supportive therapy for Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and growth of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, fingerlings. After appearance of the first ...
Calliari, Lauro Júlio; Figueiredo, Salette Amaral de
Ao longo da planície costeira do Rio Grande do Sul poucas aberturas na forma de desembocaduras lagunares e fluviais são verificadas. Entretanto inúmeros cursos de água denominados sangradouros (washouts)
resultantes da ...
Roselet, Fabio; Vandamme, Dries; Roselet, Milene; Muylaert, Koenraad; Abreu, Paulo Cesar Oliveira Vergne de
Twenty-five natural and synthetic cationic polymers of differentmolecular weightsand charge densitieswere evaluated for microalgae flocculation. Tanfloc is a naturallow molecular weight tanninpolymer whereas Zetag and ...
Sumida, Paulo Yukio Gomes; Yoshinaga, Marcos Yukio; Madureira, Lauro Antonio Saint Pastous; Hovland, Martin
Several factors bear evidence of chemosynthetic ecosystem occurrence in the Brazilian coast; these motivated our investigation to sample three pockmarks located on the continentalslopeoffSE Brazil (26°S and 46°W) at ∼700 ...
Calazans, Danilo Koetz de
Larval phases of seven species of shrimps were found in the surrounding area of the Patos Lagoon mouth. Zooplankton and hydrographic sample in four seasonal cruises were undertaken between November 1982 and August 1983 in ...
Rosa, Leonardo Cruz da; Bemvenuti, Carlos Emílio
Stratified samples were seasonally collected to analyze the vertical distribution of the macroinfauna and sedimentological characteristics in a soft bottom estuarine habitat of the Patos Lagoon, southern Brazil. Physical-chemical ...
Colling, Leonir André; Bemvenuti, Carlos Emílio; Gandra, Michel Steinmetz
The aim of this study is to analyze and relate the spatial-temporal variability of macrozoobenthic assemblages to bottom
characteristics and salinity fluctuations, in an estuarine shallow water region of Patos Lagoon. ...
Acosta, María Luisa Leal; Shumilin, Evgueni; Mirlean, Nicolai
The objective of this study was to determine the influence of marine shallow-water hydrothermal systems in Mapachitos, bahia Concepcion, on the composition of surficial sediments in the surrounding area of this bay. The ...
Rodríguez, Andrés; Corral, Mariano; Oroná, Cláudia; Hillman, Gerardo; Pagot, Mariana; Sierra, Joan Pau; Niencheski, Luis Felipe Hax
Mangueira Bay is located in southern Brazil (between 30_ and 32_ south latitude). It is a significant regional resource that lends itself to activities such as tourism, fishing, and fish and shellfish breeding. Studies ...
Figueiredo, Salette Amaral de; Calliari, Lauro Júlio
A costa do Rio Grande do Sul é caracterizada por uma barreira arenosa dominada por ondas apresentando quatro desembocaduras permanentes fixadas ao longo de 640 km de praia. O presente trabalho visa detalhar as características ...
Figueiredo, Salette Amaral de
A costa do Rio Grande do Sul é caracterizada por uma barreira arenosa dominada por ondas apresentando quatro desembocaduras permanentes fixadas ao longo de 640 Km de
praia. As áreas adjacentes a estas representam excelentes ...
Cordazzo, César Vieira
Cakile maritima occurs sporadically along the southern Brazilian coast, where it is restricted to more protected sites at the base of foredunes. Somatic dimorphism in C. maritima is manifested as morphologically distinct ...
Cordazzo, César Vieira; Davy, Anthony John
Seeel production, poIlination requirement, seed characteristics relateel to quality and the relationship between number anel mass of seeds were examineel for Panicum racemosum in three successional populations in so uthern ...
Rosa, Leonardo Cruz da; Bemvenuti, Carlos Emílio
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of vegetated beds on macrofauna community structure of the estuarine soft bottoms of the Patos Lagoon, southern Brazil. Comparative analyses were made by faunal ...
Simões, Sabrina Morilhas; D'Incao, Fernando; Fransozo, Adilson; Castilho, Antonio Leão; Costa, Rogério Caetano da
We evaluated the population dynamics of Acetes americanus Ortmann, 1893 focusing on sex ratio, individual growth, longevity, and the juvenile recruitment period. Samples were collected monthly from January 2006 to June ...