Leonhardt, Adriana; Lorscheitter, Maria Luisa
(Palynomorphs of the sedimentary profile of a bog, São Francisco de Paula, Eastern Plateau of Rio Grande do
Sul, southern Brazil). This paper aims at giving basic reference material to the study of plant succession in the ...
Leonhardt, Adriana; Lorscheitter, Maria Luisa
(Pollen of gymnosperms and angiosperms of the sedimentary profile of a bog, São Francisco de Paula,
Eastern Plateau of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil). This pollen catalogue aims at helping the study of paleoenviron ...
Leonhardt, Adriana; Lorscheitter, Maria Luisa
(Magnoliopsida (Asteridae) and Liliopsida pollen of the sedimentary profile of a bog, São Francisco de Paula,
Eastern Plateau of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil). This paper aims to provide data for paleopalynological ...
Ávila, Andréia Souza Pereira de
O estudo de palinomorfos é uma importante ferramenta muito aplicada para melhor compreender mudanças climáticas e ambientais no passado. No Brasil, estudos paleopalinológicos em ambiente marinho têm sido cada vez mais ...