Cezaro, Adriano de
We investigate a level-set type method for solving ill-posed problems, with the assumption that the solutions are piecewise, but not necessarily constant functions with unknown level sets and unknown level values. In order ...
Matsas, George Emanuel Avraam; Richartz, Maurício; Saa, Alberto Vazquez; Silva, André Ricardo Rocha da; Vanzella, Daniel Augusto Turolla
We revisit the mechanism for violating the weak cosmic-censorship conjecture (WCCC) by overspinning a nearly-extreme charged black hole. The mechanism consists of an incoming massless neutral scalar particle, with low ...
Orsini, Ronaldo Nunes; Santos, Arion de Castro Kurtz dos
O artigo trata da descrição e dos resultados alcançados por uma proposta pedagógica em Educação Ambiental (EA) formal, possível de ser aplicada no Colégio Técnico Industrial da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande(CTI/FURG), ...
Matsas, George Emanuel Avraam; Silva, André Ricardo Rocha da
We propose an extension of the original thought experiment proposed by Geroch, which sparked much of the actual debate and interest on black hole thermodynamics, and show that the generalized second law of thermodynamics ...
Ramos, Edson Marcos Leal Soares; Konrath, Andrea Cristina; Samohyl, Robert Wayne
The principal objective of this paper is to offer a quantitative methodology for making forecasts to be used as an essential ingredient for MRP. The forecasts are for an individual product and for the very short-term, which ...
Gomes, Samuel da Silva; Zeilmann, Adriano Pilla; Terres, Marco Antônio de Souza Madeira; Soares, Leonardo Bandeira; Gomes, Sebastião Cícero Pinheiro
Projetar leis de controle para veículos subaquáticos não tripulados apresenta dificuldades extras, geralmente associadas a diferenças entre o modelo dinâmico nominal e a planta física. Estas diferenças existem principalmente ...
Aguiar, Carlos Eduardo; Andrade, Rone Peterson Galvão de; Grassi, Frédérico; Hama, Yogiro; Socolowski Junior, Otavio
Using the hydrodynamical code NeXSPheRIO, we compare predictions as usually done in hydrodynamics, using centrality windows defined through the impact parameter, and as obtainable experimentally, using windows
in participant ...
Padula, Sandra dos Santos; Socolowski Junior, Otavio
Squeezed correlations of particle antiparticle pairs were predicted to exist if the hadron masses were modified in the hot and dense medium formed in high energy heavy ion collisions. Although well-established theoretically,they ...
Grassi, Frédérico; Hama, Yogiro; Kodama, Takeshi; Socolowski Junior, Otavio
We show that a hydrodynamical model with continuous particle emission instead of sudden freeze out may explain both the observed strange particle and pion
abundances and transverse mass spectra for light projectile at SPS ...
Padula, Sandra dos Santos; Dudek, Danuce Marcele; Socolowski Junior, Otavio
A novel type of correlation involving particle-antiparticle pairs was found out in the 1990’s. Currently known as squeezed or Back-to-Back Correlations (BBC), they should be present if the hadronic masses are
modified in ...
Hama, Yogiro; Andrade, Rone Peterson Galvão de; Grassi, Frédérico; Socolowski Junior, Otavio; Kodama, Takeshi; Tavares, Bernado; Padula, Sandra dos Santos
In This communication, we report results of three-dimensional hydrodynamic computations,
by using equations of state with a critical end point as suggested by the lattice QCD. Some of the results are an increase of the ...
Stringari, Caio Eadi; Marques, Wiliam Correa; Mello, Leonardo Fagundes de; Eidt, Renata Tatsch
Oil spills can generate different effects in different time scales on the marinecosystem. The numerical modeling of this process is an important tool with low computational cost which provides a powerful appliance ...
Marques, Wiliam Correa; Monteiro, Igor Oliveira; Möller Junior, Osmar Olinto; Fernandes, Elisa Helena Leão
Pereira, Adriana Elisa Ladeira; Gomes, Sebastião Cícero Pinheiro; Bortoli, Álvaro Luiz de
Neste trabalho investiga-se a interação fluido-estrutura de um cabo submerso em um fluido. Esta investigação será feita através do acoplamento entre a modelagem da dinâmica do cabo com o movimento do fluido. Para a dinâmica ...
Tavares, Adilson Melcheque; Gomes, Sebastião Cícero Pinheiro; Cunha, Mauro André Barbosa
Este trabalho desenvolve um estudo sobre a modelagem de veículos subaquáticos incluindo cinemática, dinâmica do corpo rígido e forças e torques atuantes no veículo. Após o desenvolvimento do modelo dinâmico, realiza-se o ...
Kirinus, Eduardo de Paula; Marques, Wiliam Correa; Costa, Julliet Correa da; Fernandes, Elisa Helena Leão
The analysis of wave effects above salinity is important in order to define mixing processes and their potential to change density gradients, since action in the region of the Patos Lagoon plume is highly dynamic. This ...
Lazo, Matheus Jatkoske; Alcaraz, Francisco Castilho
We introduce and solvev a special family of integrable interacting vertex models that generalizes the well known six-vertex model. In addition to the usual nearest-neighbor interactions among the vertices, there exist extra ...
Padula, Sandra dos Santos; Socolowski Junior, Otavio; Csörgö, Tamás; Nagy, Martón
Squeezed correlations of particle antiparticle pairs, also called Back-to-
Back Correlations, are predicted to appear if the hadron masses are modified in the
hot and dense hadronic medium formed in high energy nucleus-nucleus ...
Padula, Sandra dos Santos; Dudek, Danuce Marcele; Socolowski Junior, Otavio
Squeezed correlations of hadron-antihadron pairs are predicted to appear if their masses are modified in the hot and dense medium formed in high energy heavy ion collisions. If discovered experimentally, they would be an ...
Centeno, Mário Lobo; Gomes, Sebastião Cícero Pinheiro; Pereira, Ismael; Diniz, Cláudio Machado; Drews Junior, Paulo Lilles Jorge; Botelho, Silvia Silva da Costa
Este trabalho apresenta uma estratégia de controle aplicada a veículos subaquáticos, mais especificamente para veículos operados remotamente (ROV). A principal motivação desta pesquisa se baseia no fato da robótica subaquática ...