Padula, Sandra dos Santos; Dudek, Danuce Marcele; Socolowski Junior, Otavio
In high-energy heavy-ion collisions, a hot and dense medium is formed, where the hadronic masses may be shifted from their asymptotic values. If this mass modiˇcation occurs, squeezed back-to-back correlations (BBC) of ...
Qiam, Wei-Liang; Andrade, Rone Peterson Galvão de; Grassi, Frédérico; Socolowski Junior, Otavio; Kodama, Takeshi; Rama, Yogiro
We investigate the effect of chemical freeze-out on identified particle spectra at 200AGeV Au-Au Collisions at RHIC, by utilizing a full three-dimensional hydrodynamical calculation. The hydrodynamical code SPheRIO we ...
Lazo, Matheus Jatkoske; Ferreira, Anderson Augusto
We formulate a new integrable asymmetric exclusion process with N − 1 = 0, 1, 2, ... kinds of impurities and with hierarchically ordered dynamics. The model we proposed displays the full spectrum of the simple asymmetric ...
Santos, Arion de Castro Kurtz dos; Yoshihisa, Cho; Araújo, Ives Solano; Gonçalves, Geovane Pedra
Forrester, em 1971, lançou seus Princípios de Sistemas consolidando a utilização do computador na área de gerenciamento. Desde então, alguns pesquisadores têm tentado, com algum sucesso, trazer os Princípios de Sistemas ...
Cezaro, Adriano de; Leitão, Antônio
Cezaro, Adriano de; Johansson, Thomas
We investigate uniqueness in the inverse problem of reconstructing simultaneously a spacewise conduc- tivity function and a heat source in the parabolic heat equation from the usual conditions of the direct problem and ...
Cezaro, Adriano de; Cezaro, Fabiana Travessini de
In this contribution we show sufficient conditions for simultaneous unique identification of unknown spacewise coefficients and heat source in a parabolic partial differential equation given additional final time measurements. ...
Donatelli, Gustavo Daniel; Konrath, Andrea Cristina
Neste artigo explora-se a aplicação da simulação computacional na avaliação de incertezas de medição. Apresenta brevemente o método clássico ou de propagação de incertezas, sua formulação e suas limitações. A seguir, ...
Cezaro, Adriano de
Dong, Paulo Vicente; Rodriguez, Marcos Cardoso; Do, Thi Huong; Hong, Ngoc Long
É apresentada a extensão supersimétrica do modelo econômico 3–3–1. As equações de restrição e a identificação do bóson de calibre estabelecem uma relação entre os valores esperados de vácuo (VEVs) nos elementos superior e ...
Dalla Rosa, Luciano; Secchi, Eduardo Resende; Kinas, Paul Gerhard; Santos, Marcos César de Oliveira; Martins, Marcio; Zerbini, Alexandre Novaes; Bethlem, Cláudia
During three Summer seasons (1997/98-1999/00), photographic sampling of humpback whales was conducted by Projeto Baleia/Brazilian Antartic Programme in Waters of the Antartic Peninsula. Whales photographed totalled: 63 ...
Maekawa, Claudio Masumi; Veiga, Jaime Sandro; Kolck, Ubirajara Van
The anapole form factor of the nucleon is calculated in chiral perturbation theory to sub-leading order. This is the lowest order in which the isovector anapole form factor does not vanish. The anapole moment depends on ...
Zhu, Shi-Lin; Maekawa, Claudio Masumi; Sacco, Gian Franco; Holstein, Barry; Ramsey-Musolf, Michael
We analyze the degree to which parity-violating ~PV! electroexcitation of the D(1232) resonance may be used to extract the weak neutral axial vector transition form factors. We find that the axial vector electroweak radiative ...
Maekawa, Claudio Masumi; Kolck, Ubirajara Van
The anapole form factor of the nucleon is calculated in chiral perturbation theory in leading order. To this order, the form factor originates from the pion cloud, and is proportional to the non-derivative parity-violating ...
Santos, Onofre Rojas; Salvador, Juan Segundo Valverde; Souza, Sergio Martins de
The paper discusses the transformation of decorated Ising models into an effective undecorated spin model, using the most general Hamiltonian for interacting Ising models including a long range and high order interactions. ...
Sifuentes, Rodolfo Alvan Casana; Escobar, Bruto Max Pimentel; Salvador, Juan Segundo Valverde
In this work we study the electromagnetic field at finite temperature via the massless DKP formalism. The constraint analysis is performed and the partition function for the theory is constructed and computed. When it is ...
Zhu, Shi-Lin; Maekawa, Claudio Masumi; Holstein, Barry; Ramsey-Musolf, Michael
We analyze the degree to which parity-violating ~PV! electroexcitation of the D(1232) resonance may be used to extract the weak neutral axial vector transition form factors. We find that the axial vector electroweak radiative ...
Zhu, Shi-Lin; Maekawa, Claudio Masumi; Holstein, Barry; Ramsey-Musolf, Michael; Van Kolck, Ubirajara
We reformulate the analysis of nuclear parity violation (PV) within the framework of effective field theory (EFT). To O(Q), the PV nucleon–nucleon (NN) interaction depends on five a priori unknown constants that parameterize ...
Valverde, Juan Segundo; Souza, Sergio Martins de; Santos, Onofre Rojas
We study a two-dimensional XXZ-Ising model on a square-hexagon denoted for simplicity by 4–6 lattice with spin 1/2. The phase diagram at zero temperature is discussed, where five states are found, two types of ferrimagnetic ...
Sifuentes, Rodolfo Alvan Casana; Fainberg, Vladimir Yakovlevich; Escobar, Bruto Max Pimentel; Salvador, Juan Segundo Valverde
The thermodynamical partition function of the Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau theory is evaluated using the imaginary-time formalism of quantum field theory at finite temperature and path integral methods. The DKP partition function ...