C3 - Centro de Ciências Computacionais: Recent submissions

  • O modelo de computação em nuvem e sua aplicabilidade 

    Jacobi, Eduardo Bacelar; Popiolek, Pedro Freire; Hax, Vinícius Alves; Carvalho, Jônata Tyska; Duarte Filho, Nelson Lopes; Mendizabal, Odorico Machado (2012)
    Atualmente departamentos de TI precisam adaptar- se às mudanças de negócio sem ocasionar custo excessivo ou complexo gerenciamento para as organizações. Porém, melhorias em infraestruturas convencionais e esforços para ...
  • Gestão de projetos ambientais: responsabilidade social transformada em diferencial competitivo 

    Pinto, Débora Cristina Dias; Ribeiro, Luciano Maciel (2009)
    A questão ambiental é hoje, motivo de preocupação mundial. Não obstante a essa realidade, objetivamos apresentar argumentos que ressaltem a importância da preservação do meio ambiente, salientando a relação homem/natureza ...
  • A visual system for distributed mosaics using AUV fleets 

    Drews Junior, Paulo Lilles Jorge; Botelho, Silvia Silva da Costa (2009)
    The article explores the self-localization and mapping for fleets of multi-autonomous underwater vehicles using visual-based systems. It evaluates the generated mosaics captured by cameras of vehicles. It discusses the ...
  • Automatic design of decision-tree induction algorithms tailored to flexible-receptor docking data 

    Barros, Rodrigo Coelho; Winck, Ana Trindade; Machado, Karina dos Santos; Basgalupp, Márcio Porto; Carvalho, Andre Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de; Ruiz, Duncan Dubugras Alcoba; Souza, Osmar Norberto de (2012)
    Background: This paper addresses the prediction of the free energy of binding of a drug candidate with enzyme InhA associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This problem is found within rational drug design, where ...
  • Predictive evaluation of electrical characteristics of sub-22 nm FinFET technologies under device geometry variations 

    Meinhardt, Cristina; Zimpeck, Alexandra Lackmann; Reis, Ricardo Augusto da Luz (2014)
    This work evaluates the impact on ION and IOFF currents of variations in process parameters for a set of predictive FinFET technologies from 20 nm to 7 nm. The main contribution of the present study is to identify relevant ...
  • FReDoWS: a method to automate molecular docking simulations with explicit receptor flexibility and snapshots selection 

    Machado, Karina dos Santos; Schroeder, Evelyn Koeche; Ruiz, Duncan Dubugras Alcoba; Cohen, Elisangela Machado Leal; Souza, Osmar Norberto de (2011)
    Background: In silico molecular docking is an essential step in modern drug discovery when driven by a well defined macromolecular target. Hence, the process is called structure-based or rational drug design (RDD). In ...
  • Effect of the explicit flexibility of the InhA enzyme from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in molecular docking simulations 

    Cohen, Elisangela Machado Leal; Machado, Karina dos Santos; Cohen, Marcelo; Souza, Osmar Norberto de (2011)
    Background: Protein/receptor explicit flexibility has recently become an important feature of molecular docking simulations. Taking the flexibility into account brings the docking simulation closer to the receptors’ real ...
  • Microalgae classification using semi-supervised and active learning based on Gaussian mixture models 

    Drews Junior, Paulo Lilles Jorge; Colares, Rafael Gonçalves; Machado, Pablo; Faria, Matheus de; Detoni, Amália Maria Sacilotto; Tavano, Virginia Maria (2013)
    Microalgae are unicellular organisms that have different shapes, sizes and structures. Classifying these microalgae manually can be an expensive task, because thousands of microalgae can be found in even a small sample of ...
  • Spatial density patterns for efficient change detection in 3D environment for autonomous surveillance robots 

    Vieira, Antônio Wilson; Drews Junior, Paulo Lilles Jorge; Campos, Mario Fernando Montenegro (2014)
    The ability to detect changes is an essential competence that robots should possess for increased autonomy. In several applications, such as surveillance, a robot needs to detect relevant changes in the environment by ...
  • Automatic control of a ROV for inspection of underwater structures using a low-cost sensing 

    Kuhn, Vinicius Nizolli; Drews Junior, Paulo Lilles Jorge; Gomes, Sebastião Cícero Pinheiro; Cunha, Mauro André Barbosa; Botelho, Silvia Silva da Costa (2015)
    This work deals with the implementation of a position and orientation automatic control of an underwater vehicle to perform inspection tasks of submerged structures without using the knowledge of a previous dynamic model ...
  • Lossless and near-lossless digital angiography coding using a two-stage motion compensation approach 

    Santos, Rafael Augusto Penna dos; Scharcanski, Jacob (2008)
    This paper presents a two-stage motion compensation coding scheme for image sequences in hemodynamics. The first stage of the proposed method implements motion compensation, and the second stage corrects local pixel intensity ...
  • An immersive and collaborative visualization system for digital manufacturing 

    Duarte Filho, Nelson Lopes; Botelho, Silvia Silva da Costa; Carvalho, Jônata Tyska; Marcos, Pedro de Botelho; Maffei, Renan de Queiroz; Oliveira, Rodrigo Remor; Oliveira, Rodrigo Ruas; Hax, Vinícius Alves (2010)
    In this paper, an approach on immersive multiprojection visualization of manufacturing processes is proposed. It admits scenarios with dynamic components and allows virtual reality collaborative visualization among ...
  • Video segmentation based on motion coherence of particles in a video sequence 

    Silva, Luciano Silva da; Scharcanski, Jacob (2010)
    This work describes an approach for object-oriented video segmentation based on motion coherence. Using a tracking process based on adaptively sampled points (namely, particles), 2-D motion patterns are identified with an ...
  • An evolutionary spatial game-based approach for the self-regulation of social exchanges in MAS 

    Macedo, Luís Felipe Kiesow de; Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira; Aguiar, Marilton Sanchotene de; Coelho, Helder (2014)
    An open problem in social simulation and MAS applications is the self-regulation of social exchange processes, aiming at the achievement/maintenance of equilibrated exchanges by the agents themselves, providing the ...
  • Analisando trocas sociais baseadas em personalidades através de cadeias de Markov intervalares 

    Farias, Giovani Parente; Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira (Edigraf, 2010)
    Neste trabalho analisam-se interações entre pares de agentes baseados em personalidades, entendidas como processos de trocas sociais modelados por Cadeias de Markov com probabilidades imprecisas. Os comportamentos baseados ...
  • O modelo de máquina geométrica intervalar 

    Reiser, Renata Hax Sander; Costa, Antonio Carlos da Rocha; Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira (2003)
    Mostra-se neste trabalho que a linguagem e a correspondente semântica associada às interpretações obtidas na estrutura ordenada da Máquina Geométrica Intervalar, fundamentada nos espaços coerentes, são ferramentas importantes ...
  • The stochastic geometric machine model 

    Reiser, Renata Hax Sander; Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira; Costa, Antonio Carlos da Rocha (2004)
    This paper introduces the stochastic version of the Geometric Machine Model for the modelling of sequential, alternative, parallel (synchronous) and nondeterministic computations with stochastic numbers stored in a (possibly ...
  • Power flow with load uncertainty 

    Barboza, Luciano Vitória; Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira; Reiser, Renata Hax Sander (2004)
    This paper presents a methodology to solve load flow problems in which the load data are uncertain due to measurement errors. In order to deal with those uncertainties we apply techniques of Interval Mathematics. The ...
  • Análise intervalar de circuitos elétricos 

    Grigoletti, Pablo Souza; Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira; Barboza, Luciano Vitória; Reiser, Renata Hax Sander (2006)
    Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação da Matemática Intervalar à análise de circuitos elétricos, onde consideram-se as incertezas nos dados de entrada devido às tolerâncias existentes nos resistores. Sendo ...
  • Probabilidades intervalares em modelos ocultos de Markov 

    Santos, André Vinícius dos; Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira; Barboza, Luciano Vitória; Costa, Antonio Carlos da Rocha; Reiser, Renata Hax Sander; Campos, Marcilia Andrade (2006)
    Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre modelos ocultos de Markov onde as probabilidades consideradas são representadas por intervalos. Utilizando-se técnicas da Matemática Intervalar, foram ...