Rapaccini, Mario; Porcelli, Isabella; Espíndola, Danúbia Bueno; Pereira, Carlos Eduardo
(Taylor & Francis, 2014)
The adoption of Augmented Reality (AR) technologies can make the provision of
field services to industrial equipment more effective. In these situations, the cost of
deploying skilled technicians in geographically dispersed ...
Aguiar, Marilton Sanchotene de; Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira; Costa, Antonio Carlos da Rocha
This work introduces a tessellation-based model for the declivity analysis of geographic
regions. The analysis of the relief declivity, which is embedded in the rules of the model,
categorizes each tessellation cell, ...
Marchi, Ana Carolina Bertoletti de; Costa, Antonio Carlos da Rocha
Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar que é possível incentivar a aprendizagem informal em museus através da construção de comunidades virtuais, com base em repositórios de objetos de aprendizagem, ferramentas comunicacionais ...
Marchi, Ana Carolina Bertoletti de; Costa, Antonio Carlos da Rocha
Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar que é possível incentivar a aprendizagem em museus através da construção de comunidades virtuais, com base em repositórios de objetos de aprendizagem (OA), ferramentas comunicacionais ...
Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira; Costa, Antonio Carlos da Rocha; Rodrigues, Francisco de Paula Marques
Este trabalho tem por objetivo relatar os resultados preliminares de uma experiência de integração curricular, em andamento na Escola de Informática da UCPel, na área de fundamentos matemáticos da Ciência da Computação. A ...
Reiser, Renata Hax Sander; Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira; Costa, Antonio Carlos da Rocha
This paper introduces the stochastic version of the Geometric Machine Model for the modelling of sequential, alternative, parallel (synchronous) and nondeterministic
computations with stochastic numbers stored in a (possibly ...
Dimuro, Graçaliz Pereira; Costa, Antonio Carlos da Rocha; Palazzo, Luiz Antônio Moro
This paper introduces systems of exchange values as tools for the organization of multi-agent systems. Systems of exchange values are defined on the basis of the theory of social exchanges, developed by Piaget and Homans. ...
Barbat, Mauro Medeiros; Adamatti, Diana Francisca; Werhli, Adriano Velasque
Com o avanço tecnológico e o nível de imersão que a tecnologia representa na vida de seus usuários, novas metodologias de ensino surgem objetivando valer-se deste potencial para atingir os estudantes de forma mais eficaz. ...
Luz Junior, Dinarte Valdoir Mello da; Guimaraes, Marcus; Adamatti, Diana Francisca; Barwaldt, Regina; Felippe, Carla Imaraya Meyer de
The objective of the Assistives Technologies is provide to disable people a better quality of life, more independence and a social inclusion with more mobility, more communication, better learning and familiar and social ...
Crichigno Filho, Joel Martins; Teixeira, Cleiton Rodrigues; Valentina, Luiz Veriano Oliveira Dalla
Lapping is a precision manufacturing process.
However, the material removal rate and surface roughness
show significant variation between trials for repeated
experiments and, thus, the repeatability of the results
depends ...
Grigoletti, Giane de Campos; Sattler, Miguel Aloysio; Morello, Alessandro
Efforts have been made in Brazil to improve the thermal performance of low-cost buildings. Since 1997
studies on low-cost housing have been developed by Nu´ cleo Orientado para a Inovac¸a˜o da Edificac¸a˜o, the
construction ...
Frio, Ricardo Saraiva
O objetivo deste artigo é realizar uma revisão da pesquisa sobre comportamento do consumidor
nos periódicos brasileiros entre 2000 a 2011, avaliando artigos disponíveis na internet. A partir da
análise de 127 artigos ...
Scharcanski, Jacob; Silva, Luciano Silva da; Koff, David; Wong, Alexander
This paper addresses the need to quantify tumor growth and detect changes as this information is relevant to manage the patient treatment and to aid biotechnological efforts to cure cancer (Silva et al. 2008). An interactive ...
Kolberg, Wagner; Marcos, Pedro de Botelho; Anjos, Julio Cesar Santos dos; Miyazaki, Alexandre Kenta Salgueiro; Geyer, Claudio Fernando Resin; Arantes, Luciana Bezerra
MapReduce is a parallel programming model to process large datasets, and it was inspired by the Map and Reduce primitives from functional languages. Its first implementation was designed to run on large clusters of homogeneous ...
Wainer, Jacques; Goldenstein, Siome Klein; Billa, Cleo Zanella
Billa, Cleo Zanella; Wainer, Jacques; Barsottini, Claudia
This work presents the ST-Audit system that audits a patient record for conformance to a particular clinical guideline. The system uses ST-Guide which models a guideline as a set of states and transitions. The audit system ...
Olano, Jimmy Fernando Tarrillo; Azambuja, José Rodrigo Furlanetto de; Kastensmidt, Fernanda Gusmão de Lima; Pereira Junior, Evaldo Carlos Fonseca; Vaz, Rafael Galhardo; Gonçalez, Odair Lelis
This work analyzes the behavior of a designed embedded system composed of microprocessor, memories and SpaceWire (SpW) links under Total Ionizing Dose (TID) synthesized into a commercial flash-based FPGA from Actel. Two ...
Azambuja, José Rodrigo Furlanetto de; Lapolli, Ângelo Cardoso; Rosa, Lucas Lemos; Kastensmidt, Fernanda Gusmão de Lima
This paper presents a hybrid technique based on software signatures and a hardware module with watchdog and decoder characteristics to detect SEU and SET faults in microprocessors. These types of faults have a major influence ...
Azambuja, José Rodrigo Furlanetto de; Pagliarini, Samuel Nascimento; Rosa, Lucas Lemos; Kastensmidt, Fernanda Gusmão de Lima
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the efficiency of software-based techniques to mitigate SEU and SET in microprocessors. A set of well-known rules is presented and implemented automatically to transform an ...
Azambuja, José Rodrigo Furlanetto de; Pagliarini, Samuel Nascimento; Pagliarini, Maurício Altieri; Kastensmidt, Fernanda Gusmão de Lima; Ferreira, Michael Hübner Passos; Becker, Jürgen; Foucard, Gilles; Velazco, Raoul
This paper presents a non-intrusive hybrid fault detection approach that combines hardware and software techniques to detect transient faults in microprocessors. Such faults have a major influence in microprocessor-based ...